Chiropractic Case Study: Assessment Mistakes

Inadequate patient assessments can result in improper treatments and worsened conditions. This post explores a case where a lack of thorough assessment led to a malpractice claim.

The Incident: A patient’s condition worsened due to an inadequate assessment by the chiropractor, resulting in improper treatment and significant harm to the patient. The patient developed severe complications, requiring extensive medical intervention costing $100,000 and additional follow-up care of $25,000.

The Claim: The patient filed a malpractice claim, and the chiropractor’s insurance handled the legal proceedings. The settlement covered additional healthcare costs and compensation for the patient’s damages, totaling $450,000. The insurer also covered legal defense costs amounting to $60,000.

Lessons Learned:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Always perform thorough evaluations before beginning treatment.
  • Continued Monitoring: Regularly monitor and reassess patients to adjust treatment plans as needed.
  • Detailed Documentation: Keep detailed records of patient assessments and treatment plans to defend against potential claims.

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